As an international company and service provider we usually work in English. It’s our company language. Not just because of our office in New York but due to the fact that in Hamburg most of our colleagues come from abroad and German isn’t a common nominator.
Therefore we struggled with the decision to start a white paper series just in German. But if you review the German Service Design landscape you hardly find any guidance in German. Everything is dominated by English content. Which is great if you are able to adapt a new mindset and approach in a foreign language. But if you aren’t, it’s a real pain point. For them who prefer to learn something new in their own language we started our white paper series.
Aktuelles Whitepaper herunterladen!
The innovative and creative redesign of products and services has accompanied us since the founding of Indeed and the improvement of services increasingly determines our actions today. Especially since the things we design are no longer just on the shelves of retailers, but are also present in the Internet of Things. A good product is not created by excellent design alone. Nor is a product by itself successful. The entire customer journey pays off to the economic success and holds in itself the key to success or failure of an innovation.
Based on this awareness, we take care of our customers in a holistic way and developed with them from product-driven to service-driven innovators. Especially in volatile markets, where a multitude of products seemingly stand side by side, service design pays off as a distinguishing feature and as a success factor. And in just such a discussion, one of our clients asked for Service Design content in German. He asked for guidance and service design. And that is exactly what we are doing now. Not only for this one customer, but for all who have the desire to deal with the Service Design topic in German.
We pay particular attention to provide easy to consume and internalize knowledge snacks that guide you step by step through the service design process. We use easy language and if there’s the need for technical terms we explain them in detail.
This is an excellent exercise for us as well. Finally, one tends as a “Special Expert” to use his own jargon without questioning whether the counterpart is still there. We learn to explain better with each issue. What is important? What else can you omit? Which method is comprehensible and applicable for the inexperienced?
We do not claim to be complete. We confidently leave this to the standard books and university chairs, whose work is the basis and the theoretical foundation of our daily practical work. We focus on our practical experience, our knowledge from a variety of projects, and look along the way a variety of Anglo-American sources that are much more elaborate and widespread than the German-language sources.
And it looks fantastic!
On a dedicated landing page, all published white papers are available for download. The first issues even without entering the email address. So have fun reading.
And do not hesitate to call or write us. We are happy to talk about your next project with you. Or forward this text in German to your German speaking colleagues!
Larissa Scherrer de Quadros