The app “Pilly”, developed by us, is a medication manager for chronically ill children who teaches the responsible handling of essential medicine in an age-appropriate manner. It already helps elementary students act independently, while providing their parents with a feeling of security.

That children with chronic illnesses have to pay attention to regular intake and dosage – even if their parents are not currently there to monitor it – is common. Especially with the increasing number of all-day schools. So the app is an absolutely meaningful development and a great help for the children, who thus gain independence. In addition, “Pilly” has a motivating effect thanks to the playful elements. And sometimes conceals the psychological burden of illnesses.

We love holistic innovation: Therefore the tool also makes use of the Digital Packagings! The packaging communicates directly to the parent’s mobile phone to see if the medication has been taken in time. If this has been forgotten, it gives the opportunity to remember it again.

Independence for the kids – security for the parents! And reward for us by the nomination!

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Maria Kirschstein

Innovation Strategy & Management
Business Model Development
Design Research

With a degree in business psychology, Maria specialized in business development and innovation management. Since the foundation of TOI, she focuses on business models and brand strategies.

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